Demand Studios - $105.00
Textbroker - $7.00
eHow - $5.83
Associated Content - $0.00
Total: $117.83
Demand Studios
I've only been working for Demand Studios for two weeks. The first week, I wrote one article and waited for it to be approved before continuing on. It was approved without any problems so the second week I wrote eight more articles. One article came back for a total rewrite so I deleted it and reposted it on AC. I'm hoping for big things with Demand Studios in August. I plan on writing 2-3 articles per day and I want to start writing some revenue articles. I got an email tonight stating that I'm one of the top writers so they've approved me to write Golflink articles which is an extra $5 per articles. I don't think of myself as a good writer but I've got a four on both grammar and research on my scorecard so I must not be doing too bad.
I was approved for Textbroker in early July and wrote one article the first week and one article the second week. The instructions for writing the articles were so vague that I kept second guessing myself. One of the two articles came back as a rewrite. The client asked that I mention 10 more keywords at least two times throughout the article. I just stuck them in where ever and the article got approved even though it didn't read right. I hate submitting an article that is bad but that's what the client wanted. I'm going to try to get $20 per pay period just so I can remain active. It shouldn't be too hard. That's 3 articles per week.
I did awesome for my first full month at eHow. All but two articles earned money which is great. I was only expecting a dollar or two my first month and ended up with $5.83. I'm going to double that in August. My goal is to add 20 articles and earn at least $10. I'm also going to try to market some of my current articles by adding them to my other social sites.
Associated Content
I have one article on AC (see Demand Studios above) and it hasn't earned a penny. I didn't feel like trying to get upfront pay so I just published it right away. I would like to add 5 articles to AC in August so maybe I can start earning something from them.
August Goals
Demand Studios - 2-3 articles per day, $30-60 per day, $900 for the month
Demand Studios Rev Share - 10 articles, earn at least $0.01
Textbroker - $20 per pay period or $40 for the month
eHow - 20 articles, $10 for the month
Associated Content - 5 articles, earn at least $0.01
Bukisa - 10 articles, earn at least $0.01
FireHow - 10 articles, earn at least $0.01