Sorry for not updating the blog regularly. I’ve been very busy over the past few months. In September, my dad found out that he had lung cancer so I was spending a lot of time at the hospital. Luckily, the hospital had wireless internet so I was able to do a lot of writing on my laptop. It was stage 1 cancer and the doctors were able to remove the tumor from his lung. I’m happy to report that he’s cancer free and he hasn’t smoked a cigarette since the surgery in September. As far as my writing goes, I am chugging along. Here’s a breakdown:
I am not enjoying Examiner. I keep getting rude comments on my articles so I have not posted much since the end of September. When I do not post, my earnings fall like a rock. I still have not made payout. I am at $20 and payout is $25. I am going to make a few posts next month to get to payout and then forget about them.
I have posted a few more articles to eHow but not as many as I was hoping for. I only have 22 articles up so far. In November, I had one article deleted in the sweep for being a blog. It was “How to Win at Fantasy Racing” which I agree that it was blog like. My earnings have dropped during the holiday season but that is most likely because people are busy with holiday shopping and decorating. I expect the earnings to pick up after New Year’s. I will get back to my goal of 1 eHow article a day in January.
This is not a writing site but I have started working for them at the end of October. It is a 6 month position that pays hourly. I evaluate search engines. I cannot say anymore about it because of the non-disclosure agreement that I signed. I am trying to work 2 hours a day here but some days I just get bored with it.
Demand Studios
I have not been writing with Demand Studios much lately. This is because I got another position with them – Title Selecting. I love this position but it is becoming stressful. I am selecting titles that would be appropriate for eHow. I thought I was doing a good job but my reviews showed otherwise. I am expecting an email telling me that I got canned. Even if I get kicked off of title selecting, I can still write for them. I prefer title selecting rather than writing. Their CEs make writing stressful.
I love this place. I write blurbs, articles and mini posts for them. The blurbs are 100 word stories. They are fun to write and are easy. Once in a while, I’ll get an article to write but they are pretty easy. They have some picky clients but when I get to $300, I will be able to choose which projects I want to complete. I am currently at $213. I hope to be at $300 by the end of the month.
December breakdown:
Demand Studios - $701.84 (both TS & writing)
Wordgigs - $103
Leapforce - $66.38
eHow - $8.54
Total: $879.76
Goal: $2,200
Happy holidays!
Image credit: Tibor Fazakas, http://www.sxc.hu/photo/1135796