I haven't posted in a while because I've been super busy. I am going back to college for Web Design and Development. I start my online classes today. I was really nervous about it but I just logged in and checked out my classes and they don't look that bad. A ton of work but it doesn't look like it's hard work. I think I'm actually going to have fun in my E-commerce class because we get to build our own E-commerce store and try to make money with it. We get graded on how well we plan out the site.
I also started "The Challenge" last month. "The Challenge" is by Ed Dale and it's a free IM course. You are expected to start a website and make $1 in 14 weeks. We start week 8 (Module 4) today. The niche site I started is ranking very well considering my backlinks aren't indexed yet. I expect my site to shoot up the rankings very quickly once that happens. We start monetizing the site this week. I can't wait to start making money. I plan on starting a bunch of these type of sites over the next year so I won't have to spend my time writing so much.
My relationship with my parents varys from day to day. One day, they will be pissed that I'm still living at home and the next day, they will be begging me to stay and telling me how much they love me living with them. My mom hates her job so that helps take the pressure off me a little bit. She's a little bitter that I work from home while she has to spend a week in a place she hates. I'm planning on moving out sometime in January. I can probably use my student loan as first and last months rent and as a security deposit. Hopefully, I'll be making quite a bit of money from my websites by then.
The office is STILL not done. I spent all day today going through boxes of junk and throwing stuff away. I almost have the office organized, then I can think about redoing the floors. I'm going to have office hours starting today (if I can ever get to sleep). I'm going to spend one-two hours working on my websites, a few hours working on my classes and the rest of the time, writing articles for upfront pay so I can make my car payment (parents are still pissed about missing payments earlier in the year). I'm also planning on writing a couple articles a day for Infobarrel to try to add to my passive income.
Quite a lot of changes in my life right now. I'm stressed, nervous, happy, and scared all at the same time. I can't decide if I want to go back to school right now but it's keeping my parents off my back while I grow my passive income so that's a good thing, right? I shouldn't even need to use the degree when I graduate in two years because I should be making a full-time income in IM by then.
I've got a ton of work to complete tomorrow. My classes all have easy assignments this week because it's the first week so I'm going to try to get them done tomorrow so I don't have to worry about them for the rest of the week. I'm going to try to make $40 with Demand Studios and I want to write 5 Infobarrel articles. I also have to do my assignments for "The Challenge". I'm so excited that I can't sleep but I guess I'll have to try.