Goal #1: Publish 500
Squidoo Lenses – Rank 250 Lenses in Top 10 for Their Main Keyword.
I've only got 100 lenses published so far but they are making me a ton of money. I'm already at $600 a month. Squidoo is going great for me and it's only getting better. I'm now a Giant Squid which means I get cool stuff like templates that save time and more time to work on lenses that get flagged. Speaking of flags, Squidoo is running a filter next week and flagging bad lenses. I'm sure many of my lenses are going to get flagged but, since I'm a Giant, I get 3 weeks to fix them before they get locked. My goal from now until July 6, when I go on vacation, is to publish 5 new lenses a day and update 5 old lenses a day. This should give me around 550 lenses total and it will keep my old lenses updated and away from the filters.
Goal #2: Save $500 in an emergency account
I have nothing in my savings account right now but I've made a budget for the next 3 months and should have this done by the end of May.
Goal #3: Get under 200 pounds
I started eating healthy and exercising at the beginning of March and have lost 6 lbs in 3 weeks. Only 14 lbs to go to get below 200 pounds. I should get there by July!
Goal #4: Read 12 books
So far I've read 2 books this year - Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy (stupid book) and The Scarlett Letter (pretty good). I'm not sure which book I'm going to read next but I think it is going to be that Don Quioxe or something-like-that book. It's a comedy and I can't exactly remember the name of it. I'll probably have to read 2 books in one month to reach this goal but I expect I'm going to be doing a lot of reading on my road trip to Colorado in July.
Goal #5: Ride my bike 10 miles
It has been freezing all spring. The snow is finally beginning to melt. My parents are going to Indiana for a week in June so I'll have lots of time to myself. This is the perfect opportunity to take my bike out for a nice ride somewhere.
Goal #6: Pay off 1 student loan
Haven't thought about this one yet but my deferment ends in July so I'll think about it then. I should have my emergency fund set up and be making a couple thousand dollars a month from Squidoo so I can throw extra payments at one of the loans.
Goal #7: Learn to play 5 songs on guitar
I'm planning on doing this when I've got the house to myself in June. I'm going to spend a couple hours a day learning chords and notes. I know it will take a couple months to get comfortable enough to play the songs but a couple hours a day for a week should give me a good start.
Goal #8: Learn to make Crème Brulee
I have a culinary torch saved on Amazon and I'm going to buy it as soon as I have enough money saved up. I also found a great Creme Brulee recipe. I'll probably buy the torch and some ramekins in May or June.
Goal #9: Get health insurance
I have decided which insurance plan I'm going to go with but I want to have my emergency fund established before I enroll. It's $162 a month and includes maternity (I'm single, living with my parents and don't have a boyfriend - however, you never know what might happen in the future). It has a $2,500 deductible and it pays 100% after that. I'll need to save up the amount of the deductible in case I ever need it.
Goal #10: Go to New York City for my 30th birthday
I've looked into flights, hotels and touristy stuff and this is going to be really, really expensive. If I start making at least $2,000 a month from Squidoo, I might be able to swing it. I'll probably start doing some more planning in July when I have a better idea of what my finances look like.
So there you go. I'm making great progress on all my resolutions and I'm on track to finish a couple of them. I hope to accomplish all of them but it'll depend on how much money I can make. I'll post another update in June or July. I'm going to Colorado in July so maybe I'll wait until I get back to post the update. Until then, keep working hard at making your dreams come true.