Monday, June 1, 2015

Loooooong Overdue Update

I haven't updated this blog in almost a year and a half. It's been way too long. I even forgot my username and password for Blogger and had to look them up. Anyways, a lot has happened in the past year. The biggest thing is that I got the cutest puppy in the world and she is the best thing that ever happened to me. Remington is a 8 month old female beagle that I got from a breeder in November when she was 9 weeks old. She has cost me a lot of money (I've spent well over $2,000 on food, toys, vet bills, obedience classes, daycare, crates, collars, leashes, etc) and she isn't the easiest dog to take care of but I love her so much. I can't imagine my life without her. Sure, I wish I could go on vacation whenever I want without having to try to find boarding or take a shower without praying that nothing will be destroyed when I get out but I wouldn't trade her for anything.

2014 Resolutions

I completely forgot about the resolutions I made in 2014. Looking through them, the only one I completed was buying a smartphone. I got a Motorola Droid Mini in July of 2014. I love it and don't know how I lived without it. I can easily check my email or bank account when I'm out of town without having to bring my laptop. Plus it has games, internet, GPS and so much more.

2015 Resolutions

I didn't make any resolutions for 2015 but I did get something done that was on my list for last year. I made a dentist appointment. Finally. I scheduled an exam and cleaning for the end of June. Although I'm not making official resolutions for 2015, I would like to be making over $2,500 a month by the end of the year. We'll see if it happens. I'll try to update this blog more often.